My little boy is a kindergarten boy!
He did great. He likes his teacher a lot.
After we got home he was explaining to me all the fun stuff he did. There was some talk of dancing, eating graham crackers, and something about the girls rode horses with wings (he was impressed that I knew they were call Pegasus) and the boys rode warrior horses. Not sure how that all went down in room 4, but sounds like a good time.
I did good too!
I got a little teary when he did the pledge of allegiance (it just made him look so big!!)
It was a good day!
The next test of my courage is tommorrow. Baker goes to preschool...
Wish us both luck!!!
Good job Avery..I got a little teary eyed myself. You are so big now..and Baker, have fun in preschool...I love you both!
Go avery! I can't believe school is starting already... and that he is in kindergarten!
Garrett likes Avery's flip flops. And I am glad that he had a great time!
What a big boy!! So handsome!
Can you find out where his teacher bought warrior horses at? Im thinking of adding one to my christmas list.
do you have year round school? how crazy is it that he is in kindergarten? he looks awesome.
Awesome! Avery is the man and Baker too!
Really? A Pegasus? I might need to go back to kindergarten!
Way to go A!
El Niño Y Tu Pilin
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