A few years ago Brad and I started a wreath decorating contest. It has become a tradition for the two of us every Christmas. Here is how it works:
1. We each get one wreath (we re-use the same 2 wreaths but switch off)
2. We have a small budget for decorations
3. We decorate them and have family and friends vote for their favorite
4. We dont say who decorated which one until after the voting is closed
5. The winner gets a prize, but I really dont know what it is, or if a prize has ever been claimed.
Past years results: Brad-1, Autumn-1, Tie-1. This year is Big!!
So here are the entries for the 2008 Christmas Season.

Presents and Poinsettias
Below is a lovely wreath with a handcrafted touch. The paper poinsettias are of the artists original design giving the wreath a down home feeling we all love this time of year.

Detail of that handcraftiness

Golden Spirit of Christmas
Below is a beautiful wreath with an excellent color scheme of red and gold. With just the right amount of sparkle and class, this wreath truly is the Spirit of Christmas.

Detail of the red and gold

Voting will end at midnight Christmas Eve. Please vote only once per person. All are welcome to vote, children too! There is a voting box at the top right of the screen. If you are reading this in a RSS Reader window, please go to my actual site to vote. You dont have to say who you voted for and its not a popularity contest (that is not till January) JK!
I will post the winner on Christmas Day.