May 11, 2011

Hot Buns

This is the perfect recipe for all your upcoming grilling! I came across it first on Pinterest, my new love. (follow me here!)

Homemade Hamburger Buns!!
I have been wanting to try this for a while. Especially with a package of buns (and not even the good ones) going for about $4.50 at my local grocery store.

So Avery and I whipped these babies up!

Go HERE for the recipe.

I had to make a few changes. Sadly I didnt use any whole wheat flour. I brushed the tops with a beaten egg and sprinkled sesame seeds on top. I think they will be perfect with the terriyaki turkey burgers Im making for dinner. Im hungry...


Sherrie said...

You're my 3rd friend to post about home made buns... it's an omen.

I've got sandwich bread nailed, but I'm still super skeptical about buns.

way to go!

Krysta said...

So excited to try this. We just made the pineapple whips yesterday -- DELICIOUS!!! Thanks Autumn!
(it's very fitting that my security word below says "bums".)

Julie said...

those look amazing, jason totally wants me to make them.

Jillian@FoodFolksandFun said...

This is SO on my to-do list to make!