We have had a rough couple of weeks health wise around here. It all started with pink eye and ear infections (not too bad, but still a Dr. visit) then two Fridays ago Avery had a trip to the Emergency Room and we found out he developed pneumonia. It was our first Emergency Room visit ever! He was really close to being hospitalized. He suffered through x rays and breathing treatments and he missed a week of school! We got him all squared away and I thought we were on the road to recovery.
I also had a trip to the Dr. for a whole bunch of gunk in my lungs. Side note: my north shore Dr. was so funny. He didn't wear shoes. Awesome
Then last Sunday Baker started complaining of stomach pains. He was in a lot of pain and it wasn't stopping. So it was his turn to head to the Emergency Room. Its so hard to know if you need to go or not. I struggled with it. I even pulled up in the parking lot and turned around because I thought he was fine after all. But about two minutes later I turned around and we went back. It was a good thing I did too.

At the hospital in Wahiawa
The poor baby was given an IV. Baby IVs are so sad. After some X rays and ultrasounds on his tummy he was transferred to the children's hospital in an ambulance with lights and sirens. It was such a surreal and super scary moment for me, he was a champ. We got to the children's hospital around 10 pm. He had more x rays and ultrasounds and it was determined he had something called intussussception. Basically his intestines were turning in on itself like when you collapse a telescope. Its very painful and can be very serious if not treated quickly
He was able to be treated with a very painful barium enema that night around 11. It was so horrible being there and watching my baby go through so much. Ive never heard him scream so hard. The enema was successful and his intestine corrected. He was so wiped out. We stayed the night with hopes of coming home then next day.
With intussusception there is a small chance of reoccurrence. We were the small chance. The next day around noon he started showing signs that it had happened again, lots of stomach pains! So they did more ultra sounds to confirm. Yep, we were whisked down to the radiology department for another barium enema. I was a fountain of tears at thing point. I didn't want my little baby who was already so exhausted to go through it all again. But there was no option. So we gathered our stretch and went in. The second procedure was successful too.
He didn't have any more intestine occurrences but he did develop a pretty high fever and he had a cough and runny nose. Of course there were more tests. He tested positive for two different viruses and some thing that starts with an M that was giving him a bad cough. The Dr.s didn't want us to go home but I fought it because he wasn't getting any rest at the hospital and he wasn't eating. I could treat him with Tylenol at home just like they were doing there. And he was so tired of having everyone poking him every 10 minutes! So on Tuesday evening we came home.
I had fought to get him home but once we did I got so scared. I was afraid that he would have another intestine occurrence or that his fever would get too high. I couldn't handle taking him back to the hospital, but I was so afraid to be the only one watching him. We made the right choice. He has been getting better everyday. Every night he sleeps a little more, and he is perking right up!
Baker was so brave the whole time. I am amazed by this little boy. He kept his fun personality. He would say things like "Mommy guess what? I need to tell you sumping. Um, do you like Wolverine?" We would go through all the super heroes this way. We watched Tangled a million times.
We have been so touched by all the love and support from our family and friends. Once word got out Baker was in the hospital received so many texts that Im already over for the month! (so don't text me :) ) My church friends have brought us food every night. I can't explain how much of a comfort it is to have people come and bring me dinner. Im tearing up right now thinking about it! My dear friend Halley came and sat with me at the hospital on Monday night. She brought me some medicine (a big bag of candy) and fleece blankets for Baker and me. It really touched me.
Baker is doing better. He has loved staying home and watching Care Bears and Strawberry Shortcake on repeat. I think a few more days of being home bound and he will be good to go!
Thank you to everyone who has called, texted, emailed, brought food, and said many prayers for us. I have felt so loved. Thank you. Im so grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing us so much and keeping Baker safe. I know it really is in His hands.
Now, on to Avery's fifth birthday on Wednesday and Halloween!!
Sounds like a mother's hell. NOTHING is worse than watching your precious babies suffer. I'm so sorry. Glad things are looking up!
PS- - I know it's a shot in the dark, but do you know Deborah White and her family in Hawaii? Also LDS.
I am so glad that he is doing better, i was in tears reading this. I am glad that everyone is taking care of you with meals. we love you guys!
This post had me balling. I can't imaging going through that with Jaxon. I'm so glad he's feeling better now, and I really hope it never happens again!
Oh Autumn. That must have been horrible. I'm so glad your adorable baby and the rest of your family is okay! Hope he keeps getting better, right back to his old self!
What an awful experience! There is nothing worse than seeing your baby suffer! I'm so glad everyone is doing better!
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